The entry fee for the tournament is $100 per person and includes a meal.
Click here to register for the 2024 tournament
Click here to pay your registration fee for the golf tournament
Sponsorship Opportunities
Does your company or organization want to sponsor a hole? There are multiple hole sponsorship opportunities available, and each sponsorship includes a sign with your company name and logo on it.
Click here to sponsor a hole
Tournament Information
The annual Officials Against Cancer Golf Tournament will be held on June 1, 2024 at 9:00am at Hesston Golf Park in Hesston, KS with a shotgun start. The entry fee for the tournament is $100 per individual (which includes a meal) and a hole sponsorship is $200 (which includes a hole sign recognizing your donation), both of which remain the same for the coming year. Following the tournament a meal will be served and participants are invited to participate in the prize ceremony as well as the traditional raffle. In past years, the raffle has often contained over 200 prizes including t-shirts, golf clubs and equipment, rounds of golf at area courses, and more. We will also be announcing our scholarship recipients for the coming year. This will be the third annual group of students to receive scholarships from Officials Against Cancer. The scholarships memorialize Frank Whitmer, Perry Sharp and Meredith Grusing, former referees from Kansas that the officiating community has lost in years past due to cancer. More information about those scholarships can be found elsewhere on the site. All proceeds from the golf tournament will be applied towards next years scholarships to be awarded by Officials Against Cancer with the exception of the raffle. All raffle proceeds are applied directly to our medical emergencies fund and kept separate from our scholarship fund.
If you are an individual looking for a team, please register yourself at the link below also and we will place you with a team as we get closer to the tournament date.
Once you have registered for the golf tournament, payment is due ASAP. If you have registered an entire team, please pay for the entire team as well. The individual option is only for those who are registering as individuals and need to pay as individuals also. Please use this payment method as opposed to submitting a check to an OAC member, although if you prefer to not use Paypal, checks can be accepted as well. Registration with Paypal is not required to use this service.
Course Information
The Officials Against Cancer golf tournament will be held on June 1, 2024 at 9:00am.
The 18-hole tournament will be held in Hesston, KS at Hesston Golf Park.